Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Salute to Eunice, and to Chowda

Eunice. There should be more people named Eunice.

Today a great, classy lady died. Most people know Eunice Kennedy Shriver as the sister of JFK, a female bastion of that political dynasty Massachusetts family. Some know her as the mother-in-law of Arnold Swarchenegger, others as the sister of Ted. But to thousands of people, Eunice was known as something even bigger: the founder of the Special Olympics. In a time when intellectual disabilities were taboo, she encouraged her brother Jack to speak openly about their sister Rosemary, who suffered from mild mental retardation. And, in 1968, just a few weeks after her brother Bobby was shot, she kicked off the first Special Olympics here in Chicago. She wanted it to be neither "just for fun" nor "a spectacle," and since that time thousands of disabled persons from all over the globe have participated in the event.

"If she had been a man, she certainly would have been a candidate for president," one biographer wrote of Eunice. Ironically, thanks to women like Eunice, who notoriously convinced her brother the president to leave a Cuban Missle Crisis meeting to recieve a report on intellectually disabled children, we no longer have such boundaries.
In honor of the great Eunice, I present a celebration of classic Massachusettes chowder-- and where to find it here.

- Shaws Crab House- Well, duh. In a city far, far away from fresh seafood (and dont give me any crap about Lake Michigan), Shaws is the obvious choice for great chowder. Not overly fishy, creamy, lots of black pepper. Mmmm. I prefer to eat mine in the Blue Oyster Bar-- more laid back, and often with live music.
- Whole Foods- Lame, right? A grocery store?? But if you haven't been to their chowder bar, you haven't had chowder in Chicago. (Yes, the new Whole Foods in Lincoln Park has an entire bar dedicated to only chowders. The store is also hilariously right across the street from a gentleman's club. I suppose strippers like chowder too.) They have an amazing crab-and-butternut-squash chowder, and an even better crab-and-corn chowder. It makes my mouth water even thinking about it.
- RL Restaurant- FINE, they dont have chowder. But they do have the best lobster bisque you've ever tasted. In your life. Of all time. Seriously. It's a tad expensive at $8.50 a bowl, but worth every delicious slurp.

What is your favorite seafood soup in the city? Does your local whole foods have a chowder bar? Or, have a tribute to Eunice? That, my friend, is what comments are for. Chow!

1 comment:

Shannon Hathaway said...

And if you are in the great Kennedy state of MA, try Woodman's in Essex, or Snow's (no relation to the canned disaster)in Ware, or the ever wonderful Legal Seafood throughout the Boston area. Fare thee well, Eunice.